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by R82

The Mustang is a walking aid for children and youngsters with disabilities, who need supplementary assistance with their daily walking. The Mustang provides excellent and snug support for the upper body whilst also keeping the child’s pelvis gently supported.

Mustang by Convid
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Chilla Stroller
by eTac R82

The Chilla is a stroller created to give your child a safe and comfortable seating position every time you go on a family adventure in the city or to explore nature.

eTac R82 Chilla Stroller
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Rogue XP
by Ki Mobility

The Rogue XP experience introduces you to state-of-the-art design innovation that lends itself to the highest level of responsiveness and rigidity than has ever been felt before.

Rogue XP by Ki Mobility
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Zing MPS Tilt Table
by EasyStand

The Zing MPS TT is a multi-position stander that can seamlessly transition from flat to load, upright and prone in one motion. No transfers, flipping of foot plates, pads or trays are required to go from supine to prone.

Zing MPS Tilt Table by EasyStand
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by Convaid

The Cruiser wheelchair features 30° of fixed tilt for improved postural control, 5 years of growth, and self-tensioning seating. The Convaid Cruiser is a popular 30° fixed-tilt pediatric wheelchair with best-in-class, convenient, lightweight, and compact folding.

Cruiser by Convaid

Featured Products

Cruiser by Convaid
Cruiser by Convaid

The Cruiser wheelchair features 30° of fixed tilt for improved postural control, 5 years of growth, and self-tensioning seating. The Convaid Cruiser is a popular 30° fixed-tilt pediatric wheelchair with best-in-class, convenient, lightweight, and compact folding.
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RAZ-AT Shower Commode Chair
RAZ Rehab Shower Commode Chair

The RAZ-AT (Attendant Tilt) rehab shower commode chair tilts up to 40° to provide extra pressure reduction and comfort. The unique frame design utilizes locking gas springs that help lift the seat to an upright position.
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Yamaha NAVIONE Power Assist
Yamaha NAVIONE Power Assist

Innovative power assist wheels allowing manual wheelchair users to easily climb inclined grades and extend thier daily range. Learn more.

R82 x:panda shape
R82 x:panda shape

The x:panda shape provides the best seat for your child to live life to the fullest and can change shape to keep up with your child's development. Learn more.

Like to schedule a demo? Call us today (508) 242-9541!

Most of our manufacturers provide demonstration products that can be borrowed by a dealer or facility for a short evaluation period.

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